
Showcase Rehearsal Series Info & Schedule


Step 1:  Signup for Dance(s) on the in studio Signup Sheet

Step 2: Fill out and turn in a Performer Contract

Step 3: Friend Stephanie Collette and/or your choreographer on FB. We use FB Messenger for all of our communications.

Step 4: Register for Rehearsals & Weekly Classes via or on the Mindbody App.

Rehearsal Registration will go live shortly after Priority Signups end. Participants will be notified when Rehearsals are live on Mindbody.

Sign up/Turn in your Performer Contract by our priority deadline so that we can incorporate your availability into our rehearsal scheduling process!

Sign ups for dances with open spots will continue to be open until rehearsals begin.

All Performer Contracts are due BEFORE the 1st rehearsal.


Each group dance will have one 1 hour rehearsal once a week, for 8 weeks.

The Dance Show group dances will rehearse for 8 weeks in a row and have Dress Rehearsal the following Sunday.

The Pole Show group dances will rehearse for 7 weeks in a row , take a “break” for a week to allow for the Dance Show Dress Rehearsal and Showcases, then finish out their last week of rehearsals, with Dress Rehearsal the following Sunday.

Rehearsals will be scheduled on Sundays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays based on dancer and choreographer availability. Dancers must sign up by our Priority Deadline to have their availability worked into our rehearsal scheduling process!

The Rehearsal Schedule will be created after the Priority Signup Deadline. Students who have added their availability to the Signup Sheet AND have turned in their Performer Contract will have their availability considered when we create the Rehearsal Schedule.

Rehearsal time is focused on choreography for the show, we do not have the time to go into depth in reviewing techniques during rehearsals! See Weekly Class Requirements.

Students must attend at least 6 out of 8 rehearsals. Anticipated absences must be listed on your Performer Contract prior to your first rehearsal. See Absences & Tardiness.

Participants will be notified when the Rehearsals are live on Mindbody.

Level Requirements

Each dance on the Signup Sheet has Level Requirements, Pre-requisites and Weekly Class Requirements.

Level Requirements
If you are unsure or have questions about your level or any of the requirements, please ask the choreographer of the dance for specifics.

Choosing the Correct Level:
All Levels – Appropriate for anyone & everyone! Great for beginners! Some dances will require weekly classes, some won’t. Won’t usually have any pre-reqs.
Level 1 – Great for beginners! Also good for students who don’t have much time to commit. Some dances will require weekly classes and/or pre-reqs, some won’t. If you are in Intro Pole classes you probably qualify for the Level 1 Pole Dances. Check the pre-reqs!
Level 2 – Appropriate for students taking Level 2 classes / students who have graduated to Level 2 Pole classes.
Level 3 – Appropriate for students taking Level 3 classes / students who have graduated to Level 3 Pole classes.

Email if you have any questions!

Pre-reqs & Weekly Class Requirements


Pre-requsites are the skills/moves/tricks that you are required to be proficient in, in order to participate in that dance. Some Beginning/Level 1/All Levels/Mixed Levels dances do not have pre-reqs. Pre-reqs are different from Weekly Class Requirements.

Weekly Class Requirements

Be prepared to take weekly classes in addition to rehearsals. Taking the applicable weekly class allows students to learn/practice the style/techniques/tricks that are included in the choreo! Each dance listed on the Signup Sheet includes the weekly class requirements. A few of the Beginning/Level 1/All Levels/Mixed Levels dances do not require weekly classes.

Max Amount of Dances

Students are welcome and encouraged to sign up for dances in both shows! The 7 total max is applied to both shows (with max of 5 per show).

Soloist Series

8 Week Solo Series (1.5hrs) w/ Stephanie aka Ultraviolette! 

All Levels (even beginners) are welcome. Any Dance Style!  

For Beginning Soloists

Learn how to build a choreographed solo from the ground up! We will meet as a group weekly for 1.5hrs. You will learn specifics for: breaking down/counting out a song, how to develop a character, giving good face, how to structure choreography and more!! Stephanie is here to guide dancers through the whole creation process step by step, giving individual feedback and assistance. 

For Experienced Soloists

We will meet as a group weekly for 1.5hrs. Stephanie is here to support dancers through the creation process, giving individual feedback and assisting with any aspects needed.

Community Agreements

My commitment to regularly attending weekly classes and rehearsals allows me to fully participate, work on techniques separately from choreo, and practice the choreo with my fellow dancers.  

I cannot miss more than 2 out of the 8 Rehearsals (per dance)

I cannot miss more than 2 out of the 8 Weekly Classes that are required (per dance)

Absences must be pre-approved (except in the case of illness or injury). 

If more than 2 rehearsals and/or weekly classes are missed for any one dance it is up to the choreographer’s discretion how the situation will be handled. If I miss more than 2 rehearsals or classes, I understand that I might be required to take private lessons at my own cost, put in extra work outside of rehearsals or be removed from the dance.

I understand that I must pay and register for all 8 rehearsals in the series regardless of absences.

 I agree to learn the choreography for the dances I am participating in, including individual at home practice when needed. 

 I agree to bring positivity to rehearsal. This includes no negative comments about myself, the way I dance, choreography choices, costumes, other negative talk/self talk, etc.

 I understand that my choreographer will have final say on all decisions made regarding the performance, choreo and costuming. I agree to accept those decisions graciously and to communicate with my choreographer if I have any questions.

I understand that I must attend Dress Rehearsal as well as BOTH the Friday and Saturday Show Dates.

 I understand what is required of me as a student & performer. I will check in with my choreographers (who are here to help me learn, grow and have fun!) when I have any questions or concerns.

I will check group messages regularly to stay up-to-date and responsive to notes and updates. We use FB Messenger for most of our communications.

Pricing Structure *NEW*

Rehearsals can be paid for like any regular weekly class now! All Class Packs and Unlimited Memberships can be applied!

Students are no longer required to pay for the entire 8 week series at one time. Students can pay per class and are required to sign up each week in advance, just like a weekly class!

Students MUST register and pay for ALL rehearsal classes, regardless of any absences on the students part.

Pricing Info for Non-Pole Dances:

Pricing Info for Pole Dances:

Pricing Info for Soloist Mentoring Series – Non-Pole & Pole Dance Styles: