Inclusive Dance Classes for Adults
All participants must sign our liability waiver prior to taking any class/workshop/private lesson.
You must be signed in/registered to guarantee your spot in class.
Bastet Dance Fitness may cancel a class for reasons such as low enrollment. In the event that Bastet Dance Fitness cancels a class, students will be contacted and Early Canceled(not charged) out of class.
Instructors may cancel a class that has no enrollment 2 hours prior to class start time. Please sign up to ensure classes aren’t canceled due to no enrollment.
Class sign ups close 10 minutes prior to class start time.
Students are responsible for signing up for and canceling out of classes.
Early Cancel: Students may cancel their attendance in a class, workshop or private lesson up to (but no later than) five hours before class start time and not be charged/forfeit their credit/payment.
Late Cancel: If less than five hours notice is given, the customer will forfeit the class, workshop or private lesson and be charged the full price.
No Show: If a student does not cancel a class, workshop or private lesson they are signed up for and does not show up they will forfeit the class, workshop and be charged the full price.
Running Late: Students who are more than 5 minutes late to a class or workshop are not guaranteed a spot. Students arriving more than 10 minutes after the class start time will not be allowed to join and will be considered a “Late Cancel/No Show” and forfeit the class or workshop. Arriving excessively late is disruptive to the instructor and your fellow students.
The warm-up is a crucial part of class. If you are late, then you are missing out on preparing your body for class. The warm-up reduces the potential for injuries, increases muscle efficiency, and prepares your body for the movements that will be performed in class. Your safety and well-being is extremely important to us.
All sales are final, absolutely no refunds are given.
Account credit may be applied when applicable.
Punch Cards expire 6 months after purchase.
6 Month Unlimited Contracts auto renew.
First Class Free is valid for all regular classes. Not valid for Pole Classes, Workshops or Private Lessons. Must register and sign up for free class online or by using the MindBody App. Walk-ins will not be eligible for First Class Free.
Classes at Bastet Dance Fitness are restricted to students age 16 or older. Students under 18 must have a parent/guardian come in and sign our liability waiver. Once the liability waiver is signed, minors are allowed to take classes on their own without their parent/guardian present.
Upon purchasing the “Unlimited Monthly – 6 Month Contract”, client agrees to 6 automatic payments in the amount of $150 on a monthly basis in exchange for six months of unlimited classes at Bastet. The contract begins on the first day it is used and expires 6 months after the date of first use. The automatic payments are deducted on the same date each month, beginning with the sale date. Contract auto-renews. Contract is for named individual only and is not transferable. Offer is for regular classes only, and excludes pole classes, private lessons and workshops. Unused classes do not roll over. No refunds for unused classes. Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment.
For questions please email
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